On 08/05/2018 21:00, Alastair wrote:
On Friday, 4 May 2018 07:41:40 UTC+1, Graham P Davis wrote:
Graham P Davis, Bracknell, Berks. Web-site: http://www.scarlet-jade.com/
Did you see the link at the bottom of that page to the change in sea ice in the Bering Sea? The sea ice there seems to have gone completely in only 5 years. https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/IO...w.php?id=92084
Temperatures north of 80N are also well above normal. http://ocean.dmi.dk/arctic/meant80n.uk.php
And considering Antarctic as well, going by
and rolling 3 year mean temp anomaly, latitude for mirror latitude
comparison North and South, both rolling-means rising, Arctic
satellite-record "all-time"
south pole (more consistent of the 2) highest since 2002 and probably
still rising like the north pole measure.
From Charctic and 07 May on-this-day, global sea-ice extent
2018 20.656 million sq km
2017 20.759 so less by 100,000 twice the decrement on 06 May