On 07/06/2018 16:17, JGD wrote:
Will continue to watch the arctic ice over the next week or two.
Currently 2nd lowest on record but still 3% or so more ice than 2016 -
but mid-June is when 2016 tailed off. Nothing more than a pastime at
this time of year of course, but let's see what happens.
For the day-of-year global sea-ice situation.
There seems a slight difference between this graphical representation
and Charctic numbers, both in terms of extent.
But for 06 June of any year of the satellite record,
previous minimum (Arctic + Antarctic) was 22.763 *10^6 km^2
for 2017.
Near enough the same 2018 at 22.766, will " tomorrow " be going into the
record-breaking territory again?