Sea Level Rise
6-weekly update of Jason1+2+3 data from data to 16
Mar 2018, publically accessible 13 May 2018. x= year minus 2000, Y= cm
height by Aviso assessment.
Various curve-fit types ranked by R^2 quality of fit, best fit still the
indicial power curve and best estimate so far , of 57cm global mean sea
level rise to year 2100. Officialdom is still showing linear "fits" to
the Jason data, downplaying to about 35cm rise to year 2100
Determinations still falling , but exceedingly unlikely to return to
linear as best fit of curve type. The linear rate here (0.335159
cm/year) does near enough agree with the Aviso reference assessment in
3.32 mm per year considering only subset of 51 datapoints used by me to
cover 2003 to 2018.
Sequence of best-fits of the 4 types, all indicial power curves falling
indices, for the 6-weekly asessments this year, out to 2100 61.2cm,
60.7cm and this latest 57.1cm
Y = 1.419263 + 0.335159*x
R^2= 0.981084
2030 11.474cm
2050 18.177
2100 34.935
Y = 1.952271 -6.730993*(1-e^(0.033595*x))
2030 13.662 cm
2100 1.889 m
Y = 2.029890 + 0.202368*x + 0.005775*x^2
R^2 = 0.984857
2030 13.298 cm
2050 26.585
2100 80.016
Indicial power
Y = 2.263276 + 0.101848*x^1.365590
R^2 = 0.985011
2030 12.858cm
2050 23.547
2100 57.107
Y = year (minus 2000) , x is cm SLR in Aviso.Altimetry terms for Jason-3
output up to 05 April 2018, publically outputed 26 June 2018,
for various optimised curve fits and concattenated 52 datapoint data for
y= 1.427594 + 0.334124x
r*r = 0.981312
year Sea Level Rise
2020 8.11cm
2050 18.133
2100 34.839
Y = 1.926243 -7.467664*(1-Exp(0.031073*x))
r*r = 0.984443
year Sea Level
2020 8.36 cm
2050 29.77 cm
2100 161.4m
Y= 1.998822 +0.210329 * x +0.005367 * x^2
r*r = 0.984598
year Sea Level
2020 8.352cm
2050 25.932
2100 76.701
Best still on R*R goodness, Indicial
Y= 2.232609 +0.109142 * x^1.342432
r*r = 0.984789
about 4/3 power
year Sea Level Rise
2020 8.321 cm
2050 23.065
2100 55.059