Just as I was getting used (and loving) to our new Mediterranean climate
(I wish), things have gone all awry down 'ere on the normally sunny(ish)
shores of south Devonshire.
That funny little low pressure (what's that all about then?) stuck with
its centre just to the west of Cornwall has been a nuisance for several
days now. Today was the worst of all days with intermittent drizzle and
sea fog, and a maximum of only 16C early this afternoon made me reach
for the heater (and not the air conditioning) on a drive back from Exeter.
I wish it (the low pressure) would b*gger off!
The day wasn't a complete miserable affair as the sun did come out early
evening and warm things up a little to 20.6C.
Hopefully tomorrow will be better (it couldn't have got much worse....
maybe 7th July 2012 was....).
Nick Gardner
Otter Valley, Devon
20 m amsl