What causes (Sudden) Stratospheric Warming (SSW)?
On 10/01/2019 09:07, John Hall wrote:
In message , N_Cook writes
On 29/12/2018 17:28, Keith Harris wrote:
My daughter texted me after reading something in the paper and I
could give a balanced answer as to what effect this may or may not
have on our weather and why, but what I couldn't answer was what
causes this warming to occur.. Doing a quick search and I couldn't
find the answer?
Is there a simple answer to this question?
Keith (Southend)
A BBC met bod vague wittering about SSW yesterday evening. GFS has no
trace of any NH SSW out to 15 days. So is the significance a week or 2
after a SSW, , so a "consequence" of the 06 Jan 2019 one?
I've read that it takes typically 2-3 weeks for the effects of a SSW to
make themselves felt down in the troposphere. So yes.
So we could reasonedly expect a firming-up of what GFS currently hints
at 2 weeks out, a Beast-from-the-east-2019, of snow for SE England etc.