A BBC met bod vague wittering about SSW yesterday evening. GFS has no
trace of any NH SSW out to 15 days. So is the significance a week or 2
after a SSW, , so a "consequence" of the 06 Jan 2019 one?
I've read that it takes typically 2-3 weeks for the effects of a SSW to
make themselves felt down in the troposphere. So yes.
John Hall
"Hegel was right when he said that we learn from history
that man can never learn anything from history."
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)
Being a bit cynical, I cant' help noticing that every cold spell we get seems to be down to SSW. If it occurs at the same time or just after, then it's the cause. If it occurs 3 weeks after, it's still the cause due to the reason you describe.
I appreciate it takes time to work down to the troposphere, but it is rapidly become the explanation for all our cold spells (makes a change from SST anomalies or El Nino I suppose) without (seemingly) anyone doing a decent job of explaining a the formation SSW event. What explanations there are being at a very general level, as this thread demonstrates. Similar to geography 'O' level (ox-bow lakes are caused by a river meandering) without any explanation of why rivers meander.
Wait for the next fashionable explanation.
You can't expect one weather type at the surface to follow exactly n days/weeks after another event at a different level in the atmosphere Graham. You know there are many other variables and feedbacks in the mix.
Precisely, that was my point really. People dash out to forecast snow, ice & beasts from the east, on the basis of a process they don't fully understand, which may or may not result in a cold spell anything from a day or 2 to a few weeks hence. If it occurs (which given the vagueness involved is a distinct possibility through chance alone) they all shout "we saw it coming", which is all a bit Daily Express!
Penzance Sunniest day of the year down here.
Oh I have said this so many times. However some *want* snow and will leap on anyone who says they *may* not get it.
I have the scars! It is especially true of SSWs. Some want to believe it will produce snow and cold, but the data do not back this up. It's a 'might'. Even if cold and snow follows a SSW, we still can't be sure about causation, though sometimes the link appears to be clearer than at other times.
If the Met Office says it is going to happen. It is going to happen.