New MetO 5 Day forecast
On Wednesday, February 20, 2019 at 10:03:49 AM UTC, Graham Easterling wrote:
Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, it does. Ignoring most of the changes for the moment, like the font size, replacing symbols with a line, having to scroll so much more etc. Click on a day and you get a little summary
So, everyday in Cornwall, which is a breezy spot, it tells you the trees will blow. Particularly useful bit of information considering the fairly large areas of N & W Cornwall where it's too windy for trees. But positively ludicrous when next Thursday, when the mean wind speed ranges from 7 - 14mph gusting to around 20mph, it says "Gusts will be strong enough to make small trees sway, but shouldn't blow you over"
I mean FFS, what's going on. 5780 out of the last 9911 days have seen the wind speed exceeding 20mph in sheltered Penzance, so on that basis the majority of days each year will justify a blowing risk assessment. I think the MetO site should carry a blood pressure warning.
Lovely north coast surf again