Tideswell, Derbyshire - February 2019
Note: Anomalies (in brackets) refer to the 2009-2019 averages.
Mean max: 9.8 (+4.1)
Mean min: 0.9 (+0.4)
Mean temp: 5.3 (+2.2)
Highest max: 17.8 (+6.8) (26th)
Lowest max: 0.5 (+0.2) (1st)
Lowest min: -7.4 (-2.0) (3rd)
Highest min: 6.5 (+1.0) (21st)
Lowest grass: -13.1 (-4.2) (3rd)
Air frosts: 8 (-4)
Ground frosts: 18 (+1)
Days with max 15.0-19.9: 2 (+2)
Days with max 10.0-14.9: 10 (+8)
Days with max 5.0-9.9: 14 (0)
Days with max 0.0-4.9: 2 (-9)
Days with max -5.0 to -0.1: 0 (-1)
Frost duration: 65.2 hours (-63.2)
Total rainfall: 59.5 mm (65%)
Wettest rainfall day (09-09z) 11.5 mm (-8.5) (3rd)
Rain days (0.2 mm or more): 13 (-7)
Wet days (1.0 mm or more): 10 (-3)
Days with snow/sleet falling: 3 (-8)
Days with 50%+ snow cover at 09z: 4 (-4)
Deepest at 0900z 6 cm (-3) (1st)
Eden Snow Index: 17 cm/days (-26)
Total sunshine: 95.7 hours (174%)
Sunniest day: 9.1 hours (+1.7) (27th)
Days with no sun: 3 (-6)
Days with thunder heard: 0 (0)
Days with hail: 2 (0)
Days with fog at 0900z: 2 (-1)
Mean wind speed: 5.6 knots (-0.6)
Highest 10-min mean wind: 24 kt from WSW (-2) (9th)
Max gust: 41 knots (+1) (9th)
Days with gale: 0 (0)
Wind direction at 0900z
N:1 NNE:0 NE:0 ENE:0 E:1 ESE:0 SE:0 SSE:3
S:3 SSW:4 SW:3 WSW:5 W:2 WNW:3 NW:0 NNW:0
Very warm, very dry and very sunny. For my 11-year period of recording
the following new February records were set:
Mean max (highest)
Mean temp (highest)
Highest max (highest - twice)
Lowest grass min (lowest)
Rain days (lowest)
Days with snow falling (lowest)
Total sunshine (highest)
Sunniest day (highest)
Days with no sun (lowest)
The record high mean max was almost entirely due to the anomalously
high day max temps.
Norman Lynagh
Tideswell, Derbyshire
303m a.s.l.
twitter: @TideswellWeathr