Bracknell, Berkshire, UK (51° 24'N, 0° 46'W, 77m AMSL) April 2019
Day is 0000-2359 UTC. Anomalies are comparisons to 1981-2010 averages for Bracknell.
First nine days were cool and wet, followed by two week with no rain.
Very warm for the long Easter weekend, then cooler again for the last week.
Mean Temp (Tx+Tn)/2: 10.3 C (+0.8)
Mean Temp (integrated): 10.2 C (+0.7)
Mean Max: 15.7 C (+1.3)
Max Max: 25.6 C on 22nd
Min Max: 8.2 C on 4th
Mean Min: 5.0 C (+0.4)
Min Min: -1.2 C on 14th
Max Min: 10.6 C on 23rd
Air Frosts: 2 on 12th and 14th
Grass Frosts: 10
Mean Grass Min: 1.8 C
Min Grass Min: -5.0 C on 14th
Max Grass Min: 7.2 C on 24th
Mean 30cm Earth Temp: 11.2 C
Max 30cm Earth Temp: 14.2 C on 24th
Min 30cm Earth Temp: 9.1 C on 5th
Rainfall 00-24: 22.6 mm (43% of average of 52.5)
Max Rainfall: 6.0 mm on 2nd
Days with Rain = 0.2 mm: 10
Days with Rain = 2.0 mm: 4
Days with Rain = 10.0 mm: 0
Days with Rain = 20.0 mm: 0
Days with Thunder: 0
Days with Hail: 2 on 2nd and 3rd
Days with at least a few flakes of snow: 0
Days with Snow Lying 50% at 0900: 0
Max Snow Depth at 0900: 0
Days with Fog at 0900: 0
Hours of Sunshine: 134.0 (84% of average of 160.5)
Mean Pressu 1014.2 hPa
Max Pressu 1031.5 hPa on 20th
Min Pressu 991.3 hPa on 24th
Average Wind Speed: 3.2 kt
Maximum Daily Average Windspeed: 6.7 kt on 27th
Minimum Daily Average Windspeed: 0.7 kt on 8th
Max Wind Gust: 30 kt from 234 deg on 27th
Roy Avis
Hourly Plotted Charts, Current Bracknell Weather plus Latest Statistics at: