R&D InstroMet Data Logger issue solved....
R&D InstroMet Data Logger issue solved....
Upto now I never resolved this issue, but after coming back from a break, downloading the data and once again scratching my head I think I have found the anomaly.
Basically it's simple.
1. What is seen on the 'Display' is in 'decimal'
2. Whereas the report off the software is in hours:mins, a simple conversion does the trick
Eg, my display reads 5.14, whereas the software reads 5:08.
When you think of it the '.' and ':' gives it away.
So by putting 5:08 in cell 'B3' with the formula below in cell 'B4' the :
The result is 5.13. In a few cases it does come out + or - .01 so if you can think of a better formula / conversion method please share :-)
Keith (Southend)