thanx waghorn. I'm going to take a stress pill and chill out...
Les Crossan,
Wallsend, Tyne & Wear 55N 01-30W,
Home of the Wallsend Stormcam -
"Waghorn" wrote in message
ooerrr... what have I started (:
Aren't Polar Lows MISOcyclones?
:-),er... no... this is where I think the term meso- may cause
confusion,with miso and meso cyclone
refering to circulations in severe local storms eg Supercells.I think
Polar lows should be called
mesoSCALE cyclones.
An early paper that tried to clarify the 'scale' problem,tho I think this
lead to some controversy
at the time
Orlanski, I., 1975: A rational subdivision of scales for atmospheric
processes. Bulletin of the
American Meteorological Society, 56(5), 527-530.
Abstract / PDF
From my potted reading there appears to have been some confusion re the
classification of mesoscale
cyclones,polar lows,secondary lows,comma cloud lows etc as dynamicists in
the late 80s and early
90s tried to reconcile what was coming from new computer simulations with
satellite imagery and
observations.The legacy of this seems to be some ongoing lack of clarity
in the terminology,even if
everybody knows what they are talking about now,
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