On 06/08/2019 20:08, Norman Lynagh wrote:
If it is accepted that CO2 is an effective greenhouse gas then I think
the images presented in the following link tell an extremely worrying
Fortunately the main absorption lines are already saturated so that the
heat retained as CO2 concentration increases scales with log(CO2_ppm).
Even so it is disturbing the thermal equilibrium in a way that takes
time to have the full effect so we haven't yet seen the full warming
effect of all the CO2 concentration presently in the atmosphere.
It is also interesting to see how the effect of land mass and industry
distribution affects CO2 concentrations with latitude.
In the far north midsummer CO2 concentration has maximum deviations as
the forests photosynthesise 24/7 whereas at the south pole the annual
variation is almost completely smoothed out by atmospheric mixing.
South pole and southern hemisphere concentration also lags behind the
north (where the bulk of the heavy industrial nations are).
Martin Brown