On 07/08/2019 18:08, Alastair B. McDonald wrote:
On Wednesday, 7 August 2019 14:33:02 UTC+1, dennis@home wrote:
On 07/08/2019 13:11, JGD wrote:
The Greenland ice sheets are a different problem they are on land but
they don't appear to be melting very quickly at all.
Have you seen this?
"There are a few ground-based instruments making measurements, however,
including one at Summit Station. Because it sits at the island’s highest
altitude in the central part of the ice sheet, the station rarely sees
temperatures reach the freezing point (0°C). But on July 30, air
temperatures remained at or above freezing for more than 11 hours.
That’s almost twice the amount of time that temperatures stayed at or
above freezing during the last major melt event on July 11, 2012"
That's not enough to shift half an inch of ice from the footpath to my
front door.