On 07/08/2019 11:59, Spike wrote:
On 07/08/2019 13:50, Tim Streater wrote:
In article , Martin Brown
On 06/08/2019 13:36, The Natural Philosopher wrote:
It has been conclusively shown that in the real world, it does not.
Prove it! There is a Nobel Prize waiting for anyone who can demonstrate
that the prevailing orthodoxy on climate change is wrong.
Would that that were the case. What is actually waiting for any such
person is the sack, oblivion, and removal of any and all status as a
researcher, including prospects for future grants.
That is what awaits any nay-sayer of the current orthodoxy (an
interesting word to choose to use, too, I venture to suggest).
Look what happened to that IPCC presenter chap, who was, and probably
still is, an expert on poplar bear populations. When one conference to
which he was invited found out that his message was that the polar bear
populations were thriving, his invitation to speak was withdrawn, and
AFAICS he has never been invited back since. But polar nears now figure
rather less in the CC publications.
Her. Wasn't that Susan Crockford?
Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have
guns, why should we let them have ideas?
Josef Stalin