On 08/08/2019 14:10, Alastair B. McDonald wrote:
On Thursday, 8 August 2019 09:12:22 UTC+1, Spike wrote:
On 07/08/2019 21:48, JGD wrote:
On 07/08/2019 17:45, Spike wrote:
The Vostok ice cores showed that CO2 levels *lag* temperature levels
rather than leading them, over a time span of some hundreds of thousands
of years.
That's quite an old chestnut now. See eg:
The presenter said in short that the CO2/temperature issue was one of
one sometimes leading, and sometimes following, the other, the
perturbing agent being Milankovich cycles,
Unfortunately, this raises more questions than it answers. One such is
that where in the Vostok record is this shown? What records do in fact
show this? What is the mechanism whereby a lead changes to a lag?
And the big one: if this is all caused by the influence of Jupiter and
Saturn's gravity fields, why are we being strongly encouraged to go
vegetarian, and not to till the soil, in order to help the planet? (BBC
R4 'news' this morning). Eating soyaburgers won't perturb Jupiter at all.
It is not Jupiter that is causing the rise in CO2 this time; it is civilised mankind.
When eight out of twelve forcing mechanisms are known only to a 'very
low' level of understanding, your claim would appear to be not well founded.