Keith Harris wrote:
On Saturday, 24 August 2019 17:16:04 UTC+1, Norman Lynagh wrote:
Tideswell, Derbyshire - Saturday 24th August 2019
0530z CALM 20km 3Ci300 10.3/09.5 1019
RMK: A gorgeous cool-ish morning with more than a
hint of autumn. If only it would stay like this for
the rest of the day! There's a heavy dew on grass and
1600z 12005kt 50km 2Ci300 26.6/13.6 1017
RMK: A sunny day. Very hot this afternoon, unpleasantly
so for me. Max temp 26.7° so far.
Norman Lynagh
Tideswell, Derbyshire
303m a.s.l.
twitter: @TideswellWeathr
Lovely warm walk around Windmill, about a mile, in the evening hazy
sunshine. Exactly the same maximum for me back in Southend-on-Sea of
26.7°c :-)
Lovely little cottage just down the road from Tideswell.
Keith (Southend)
10.7 hours of sunshine on Saturday, Keith. That's unusually sunny for
here. Same again today by the looks of it and probably even hotter.
Back to more normal conditions leter in the week, though, with max
temps in the teens
Norman Lynagh
Tideswell, Derbyshire
303m a.s.l.
twitter: @TideswellWeathr