A fond farewell
In message , Vidcapper
Where do you live? Here in SE England it's been a lovely day today, and
the summer as a whole hasn't been too bad. Yes, there have been some wet
spells (June in particular being poor), but also quite a lot of fine
weather, and three brief very hot spells which I personally could have
done without. For once Wimbledon and Glastonbury both had fine weather,
though the cricket World Cup and Tests have been less fortunate.
ISTM that's what typical British summers consist of - short hot spells,
mixed in with spells of more unsettled weather.
I can't remember a previous summer with three totally separate spells
that were quite as hot as has happened in this one though.
John Hall
"If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come
sit next to me."
Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)