A fond farewell
On Saturday, August 31, 2019 at 8:21:27 AM UTC+1, oops wrote:
A record breaking summer then - perhaps for being the shortest on record.
unscientific, guide to a summer is how often I need to water the garden.
Last year, for example, that would have been once or twice each week
between June and August inclusive.
This year, for comparison, not once from January 1 to date.
Oops, it is a different world in the South East, as John has said - and perhaps more widely in central and south-eastern England. The record-breaking summer was last summer. As for this summer, more or less daily watering of the patio pots and thirstier borders since early July. At least much of the grass has stayed fairly green, though it remains weakened by last summer's drought - and subsequent moss invasions last winter. August has been a dry month here and to the east / se of London.
We manage to miss most of the frontal rain coming eastwards (today is a good example) and yet we also miss out on whatever thunderstorms break out on the Continent. So many people seem to assume our climate is more uniform than it is. That's why I don't like nationwide stats - especially when the press quote them to one or two decimal places (e.g. The Uk averaged 87.45mm of rain last month'). Utterly meaningless!
I agree, the garden watering index is a good one.
Julian Mayes, Molesey, Surrey.