Decadal means
On Thursday, December 12, 2019 at 5:54:28 PM UTC, Steve Jackson wrote:
Someone will know the answer to this question; my money would be on Julian Mayes!
Given that the media has begun celebrating the decade 2010-2019, with various awards for best band, artist, book, film etc, I was wondering why those of us in the climatological world stick with 2011-2020, or for 30-year records, 1991-2020?
I'm sure it is down to precedence dating back into the early days of record keeping, but is there any other reason for this, I wonder?
best wishes
Steve Jackson
Bablake, Coventry
From Peter Lea-Cox, Umborne
I have heard it said that Christ was born around 4 BC; irony granted in such a statement. This was the year when there was supposed to have been a conjunction of Jupiter and Venus, hence the bright star. Whether this could have possibly lasted for the two years that it took the Wise Men to travel to Bethlehem is open to debate.