On 17/12/2019 09:05, Graham P Davis wrote:
Top five global temperature anomalies for November from GISS:
2015: +1.26C
2019: +1.22C
2016: +1.10C
2017: +1.08C
2013: +1.05C
12-month anomalies ending in the month of November:
2015-16: +1.24C
2018-19: +1.17C
2016-17: +1.12C
2014-15: +1.07C
2017-18: +1.05C
Differences are wrt IPCC "pre-industrial" era. [This period is better
described as the Early Industrial Era and probably underestimates the
true anomaly over the Pre-Industrial Era by about 0.2C]
Graph of temperature anomalies has been updated at:
If the temperatures mentioned above are referred to those of the Roman
Warm Period or the Medieval Warm Period rather than to those of the
Little Ice Age (also known as the Pre-Industrial Era), they would be
negative rather than positive.
It's interesting also to note that the figures given above are in line
with the excess temperatures of the Urban Heat Island effect, first
measured in the early 1800s at 2.0 degF.