1.5 deg of warming RIP?
On Thursday, January 9, 2020 at 3:57:52 PM UTC, wrote:
Estimating long-term trends of atmospheric temperature from near-urban
temperature data sites is technically very challenging because of all
the corrections that need to be made to account for issues like the heat
island effect. Surface data is an interesting contribution to the
overall picture, but far from definitive, there being rural stations
around the globe that have recorded no temperature increase in the last
100 years.
Here we go again. I really don't know if i can be bothered dismissing this extraordinary paragraph - we've been round these arguments so many times before. The game is up, Spike.
Julian Mayes
Yup. The irrelevant seldom know that they are. No-one cares what they say about climate science any more, except the irrelevant themselves. No-one cares about them, as these arguments are as old and tired as they are. Like you, Julian, I can't be arsed any more providing arguments to counter deniers; it's all been done - but it's funny to watch them posting. *))