Tideswell, Derbyshire - Saturday 21st March 2020
0630z 07010kt 30km 6Cu012 +02.4/+00.7 1030
RMK: Dry overnight. Skies appear to be clearer to the
0900z 07015g26kt 50km 1Cu015 7Ac150 04.6/+01.9 1029
RMK: After a few brief sunny intervals middle cloud has
spread across from the west. Clear sky is visible to
the east. It's not the sunny day that the forecasts
were predicting this morning, at least not yet.
With the wind it certainly has a winter feel.
09-09z: Tx 7.9 (1415z) Tn +2.1 (0325z) RR nil
15-09z: Tg -0.8 00-24z: Sun 4.0
1700z 07015g27kt 30km 1Sc025 5Ac150 7Ci200 +04.4/-01.0 1027
RMK: A dry day. Extensive middle and high cloud all
day resulted in a bright day rather than a sunny one.
Only 0.7 hours of sunshine measured. With the wind it
felt decidedly wintry depite the thermometer showing
a max of 7.7°. The RH fell below 50% at times in the
afternoon. It's been a very long time since there
was such dry air.
Norman Lynagh
Tideswell, Derbyshire
303m a.s.l.
twitter: @TideswellWeathr