JGD wrote:
A question that someone here might be able to help with please:
Is it possible to get any idea of the likely pressure gradient
associated with wind over relatively short distances, eg 500-1000m -
say one end of a level field to the other?
Presumably there has to be some difference in pressure for the wind
to blow at all, but I'm guessing that even for a significant say 20kt
wind blowing directly along the length of the field then the
difference over 1km might be relatively tiny, say 0.1mb?
The wind is dependent on the broadscale pressure field. Over very small
distances the atmospheric pressure may be subject to small changes due
to the wind blowing over the relatively rough terrain (humps and
hollows, walls, trees etc) i.e. over very small distances the pressure
will fluctuate due to the wind rather than the other way round.
Norman Lynagh
Tideswell, Derbyshire
303m a.s.l.
twitter: @TideswellWeathr