Colin Youngs wrote:
Op zondag 28 juni 2020 23:17:40 UTC+2 schreef philgurr:
"Colin Youngs" wrote in message
Killylane (NI), Quidinish (Harris), Millport (Great Cumbrae), Pateley
Bridge and Tredegar 22 mm, Castle Douglas 23 mm, Stonyhurst (Lancs)
24 mm, Altnahinch Filters (NI) and Loch Glascarnoch 25 mm, Levens
Hall (Cumbria) 27 mm, West Freugh, Eskdalemuir and Lake Vyrnwy 28
mm, Prestwick 31 mm, Auchincruive (Ayrshire), Keswick and
Bainbridge (North Yorks) 33 mm, Shap 35 mm.
Could I remind you Colin that Shap is Northern England NOT Northern
40 miles N. of Inverness
Sorry Phil :-)
I should really have said more clearly "the northern half of
Britain", since that was what I meant. As you can see, the list of
high rainfall totals includes places in both Scotland and northern
England, and I was trying to cover both in the simple phrase
"northern Britain".
Colin Youngs
Being really pedantic, Shap isn't in the northern half of Britain. It's
about 275 miles from the coast of southern England and about 290 miles
from the north coast of mainland Scotland.
Norman Lynagh
Tideswell, Derbyshire
303m a.s.l.
twitter: @TideswellWeathr