[CC] Global Sea Level Rise
On 24/07/2020 08:45, Alastair B. McDonald wrote:
On Thursday, 23 July 2020 at 17:15:37 UTC+1, N_Cook wrote:
On 23/07/2020 17:08, Alastair B. McDonald wrote:
I have downloaded the data into an Excel spreadsheet and fitted a polynomial trendline which i have extended to 2100. The result was a sea-level rise of ~80 cm which agrees with your indicial (best fit). Nothing for me to worry about at 25m ASL, but bound to have consequences for properties on the coast during storms, e.g. Sandbanks nr Poole.
For completeness was that using the full 1993 to 2020 Reference dataset
or just 2003.0 to 2020 ?
It was the full set.
I agree with you that the AVISO straight trend line is ridiculous. But unfortunately, I will not be around in 2100 to find out who is right.
I know that to the scale of a pc monitor the difference between a
quadratic and indicial power curve best fit is irresolvable, just 1 or 2
pixels in it, best fit exponential is resolvable compared to those.
Aviso could fit a representative best fit smooth curve to that data ,
without even stating the equation or projecting on, and ditching the
straight line, for the 1993 to 2020 plot anyway.
Global sea level rise to 2100 from curve-fitted existing altimetry data