Tideswell, Derbyshire - Wednesday 12th August 2020
0530z 31001kt 20km 1Ac120 5Ci300 14.9/14.6 1013
RMK: It was quite a night. At around 2100z yesterday
evening frequent lightning could be seen far to the SW.
This gradually got closer and by the time I went to bed
at about 2200z there were distant rumbles of thunder.
At 0000z I was awoken by frequent close lightning and
very loud continuous thunder. The near-overhead storm
continued till about 0215z with heavy rain throughout
and a max rate of 130 mm/hr. All is quiet this
morning and it's another warm, sticky morning with
strong sunshine developing.
Norman Lynagh
Tideswell, Derbyshire
303m a.s.l.
twitter: @TideswellWeathr