Brazil's burning
On Monday, 14 September 2020 17:21:54 UTC+1, Alastair B. McDonald wrote:
On Monday, 14 September 2020 at 11:28:45 UTC+1, Spike wrote:
On 14/09/2020 08:28, Graham Easterling wrote:
it's been allowed to continue. It was always going to be difficult to get Countries to reduce carbon emissions. The economic crash of 2008 made an attempt but of course, governments were having none of that. Important steps were taken to boost car production & get CO2 emissions back on track.
In a recent BBC R4 news programme, it was claimed that CO2 levels are
higher now than than at any time in the last 3 million years. What was
not said was that the planet has for a significant part of that time
span swung in cycles of 100,000 years from being an ice-ball for 80,000
years and a desert for 20,000 years. At the present time we are about
half-way through a warm part of the cycle. So why is there all this
concern about CO2?
Nonsense! We have been cooling for the last 6000 years. We were heading for a new glacial period, but now we are heading for the climate of the Pliocene when sea levels were 25 m higher and CO2 was at 400 ppm. If CO2 continues to increase at the current rate of 3 ppm per year, then by 2100 CO2 will be at about 600 ppm and all the ice sheets will have gone leading to a sea level rise of 65 m, with a climate to match.
How much of London, Portsmouth, Southampton, Plymouth, Bristol, Cardiff, Swansea, Liverpool, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Dundee, Newcastle, Hull, or Cambridge at 5 m asl will be left after that?
I'm afraid this attitude is a large part of the problem. I nearly threw something at the TV when Trump opened his mouth, the sooner he's gone the better we all will be...
Yes the planet will survive until the supernova, but the human race is pressing the self destruct button in many ways and it's getting worse by the day...
Keith (Southend)