0700z: 32009KT 3000m Slight drizzle and snow 8ST003 0.9/0.7 QFF 1017.4 rising.
SYNOP: 41230 83209 10009 20007 40174 53001 76875 886// 333 88703=
Slight mixed precipitation on and off for most of the night, including some freezing rain Thursday evening, although there have been dry periods too. No solid precipitation lying on the ground, which is partly frozen. Patchy icy on hard surfaces. Extensive low stratus and poor visibility. Surface wind S F1-2 veering NW-N F3-4 around midnight, but easing down to F2 0230z-0630z. Minimum temperature so far is 0.0 (2030z).
148m AMSL
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