0700z: 29006KT 30km Slight rain 1SC015 6AC070 8AS100 7.9/6.9 QFF 1010.6 rising.
SYNOP: 41480 82906 10079 20069 40106 52016 76062 8157/ 333 81615 86357 88460=
Cold front through at 0445z. Occasional slight rain throughout the night, with a few moderate bursts - mainly before midnight. Cloudy/overcast, often with large amounts of low cloud, but currently mainly medium layers. Good or very good visibility, reducing at times to moderate in precipitation. Surface wind SW F4-5 with gusts to 25 knots, becoming WNW F2-3 behind the cold front. Minimum temperature so far overnight is 7.3 (1800z).
148m AMSL
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