Tideswell, Derbyshire - Wednesday 13th January 2021
0630z CALM 3000 -FZRA 8St007 -00.1/-00.6 1018
RMK: Looks like there's been slight rain for some time
with the temp below zero. I haven't been able to get
out of the house yet this morning due to the underfoot
conditions. Everything is covered in a layer of smooth
glaze that has a film of liquid water on it. It just looks
wet but it's extremely slippery and could result in more
business for A & E Departments, as if they weren't
busy enough already. The temperature is creeping up
so the conditions may not last very much longer.
0900z CALM 4000 FZRA 8St004 +00.2/-00.3 1017
RMK: It's atrocious out there. Surfaces look wet but
untreated surfaces are actually covered in ice that's
got a film of liquid water on it. I haven't been able to
get up the path to the raingauge and the grass min
thermometer so those readings will follow later.
09-09z: Tx 4.3 (1340z) Tn -2.2 (0101z) RR to follow
15-09z: Tg to follow 00-24z: Sun 4.7
Norman Lynagh
Tideswell, Derbyshire
303m a.s.l.
Twitter: @TideswellWeathr