1200Z: 26019KT 12KM Recent fog 2ST002 (2ST006) (1CU012) 3SC020 (2AC090)
(2CS220) 8.9/8.6 QFF 1016.3 falling
SYNOP: 11162 52619 10089 20086 40163 56029 60031 72865 84878 333 82702
83620 90710 91128=
Beaufort letters (1100-1200Z): cdrdr,cd,cdom,cdof,cm,bc
Gloomy with mainly moderate rain and drizzle mixed, stopping at 1140Z.
Rapid improvement after a brief period of fog 1130-1140Z. In the blink
of an eye, the St lifted off the surface and broke to leave strong
sunshine as the total cloud cover quickly decreased to 5 oktas with very
little cloud to the west. The visibility has shot up from 400m to 12km,
and it's in excess of 30km to the west. Fresh F5 southerly breeze has
veered westerly.
RH 98%. Rainfall (0600-1200Z) is 3.1mm
Nigel (Niton, Isle of Wight)
101m amsl
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