Brussels on Saturday 30th January 2021
Dull and wet morning with persistent light to moderate rain. Rain changed to sleet around midday, but precipitation became slight and intermittent after 13.00 local time. Light rain again after 16.00, changing to light to moderate sleet after dark, but dry since mid-evening.
Wind switched from WSW to NE late in the night; moderate E wind in the morning backed ENE in the afternoon. Temperature fell steadily before dawn as the wind changed direction, and it remained cold throughout the day.
Brussels Uccle 3.5°C – overnight minimum 3.5°C – 10.9 mm rain
Brussels Airport 2.0°C – overnight minimum 1.9°C – 7 mm rain
Brussels Uccle Graphs
Rainfall radar
OGIMET monthly summary for Brussels Uccle
Webcam Grand-Place
Webcam Uccle and hourly observations
Colin Youngs