[OBS] Niton, Isle of Wight - Mon 15th Feb 2021
1200Z: 25010KT 1500M Fog in the vicinity 1ST000 5ST002 7ST005 8.9/8.5
QFF 1019.4 rising slowly
SYNOP: 11015 72510 10089 20085 40194 51013 69931 72864 876// 333 81700
85702 87705 96040=
Beaufort letters (1100-1200Z): cff,cjf
Overcast and misty until 0930Z when the fog descended. It thickened
to 200m by 1030Z but lifted again into various layers of St. Fog is
still attempting to waft across from the WSW but is rising above us.
The sun is shining weakly through the cloud. Variable visibility at
the ob; 1500m to W and as much as 6km to NE where cloud is clear of
the downs. The wind has decreased to F3 from F4-5 during the fog.
RH 97%. Rainfall (0600-1200Z): 0.3mm
Nigel (Niton, Isle of Wight)
101m amsl