0700z: 25026G36KT 15km Slight rain 6SC018 8SC040 6.7/5.4 QFF 987.0 rising.
SYNOP: 41465 82526 10067 20054 49870 53049 76062 885// 333 86618 88640 90710 91142 91036=
Cold front through 1800z, with another passing through around 2200z. Slight rain and drizzle Wednesday afternoon died out before 1830z. Generally dry until late evening, with further slight rain at times since then. Visibility generally good decreasing to moderate in precipitation - especially at first. Surface wind S F4-5 becoming SSW F5-6 by early evening, then F6-7 after 2200z, veering further to SW-WSW late in the night. Maximum gust overnight 44 knots. Minimum temperature so far is 6.7 (0657z).
148m AMSL
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