0900z: 23016KT 30km Precipitation in the vicinity 2CU022 (1CI250) 6.6/2.8 QFF 999.0 rising.
SYNOP: 41580 22316 10066 20028 49990 55000 72586 82201 333 82822 90710 91125=
Slight rain stopped before 0730z. A slight rain shower just after 0830z. Showers visible to the north west. Cloudy at first, breaking to small amounts by 0730z, with variable amounts of convective cloud since then. Excellent visibility, reduced by precipitation to the north west. Surface wind SW F3 becoming F4 after 0745z.
11/0900z to 12/0900z:
Max: 10.6 (1435z)
Min: 3.6 (0315z)
Rain: 3.2 mm
148m AMSL
Stats for the month so far: