Tideswell, Derbyshire Sunday 28th March 2021
0530z 21015g25kt 8000 RA 8Sc005 06.8/05.8 1013
RMK: Slight to moderate rain since about 0130z,
heavy 0410-0430z.
0900z 21014g27kt 15km -RA 7Sc005 09.1/07.8 1014
RMK: Ongoing slight to moderate rain.
09-09z: Tx 9.1 (0855z) Tn 3.2 (0900z yesterday) RR 6.8
09-21z: Tx 8.2 (1535z) 21-09z: Tn 5.8 (2110z)
15-09z: Tg 2.7 (1937z) 00-24z: Sun 1.4
1700z 20014g29kt 30km 8Sc010 11.3/08.5 1015
RMK: Rain eased after 0900z and died out by about
1030z. Mostly dry but cloudy since then with a couple of
brief slight showers and brief glimpses of the sun.
Max temp 12.6C and only 0.1 hours of sunshine. Quite a
windy day with a max gust of 39 knots at 1135z. That's
quite strong for here in a SW'ly.
Norman Lynagh
Tideswell, Derbyshire
303m a.s.l.
Twitter: @TideswellWeathr