A dry month with above average temperatures. Cold first week. Warm second half, and very warm on the last two days. Average number of frosts, and no snow.
Anomalies (in brackets) refer to the estimated 1981-2010 averages.
Mean max: 11.3 (+1.5)
Mean min: 2.8 (+0.6)
Mean temp: 7.0 (+1.0)
Highest max: 21.4 (31st)
Lowest max: 4.4 ( 1st)
Lowest min: -5.0 ( 7th)
Highest min: 8.1 (28th)
Air frosts: 6 (+1)
Ground frosts: 14 (-1)
Days with max 20.0 to 24.9: 2
Days with max 15.0 to 19.9: 2
Days with max 10.0 to 14.9: 15
Days with max 5.0 to 9.9: 11
Days with max 0.0 to 4.9: 1
Days with min 5.0 to 9.9: 8
Days with min 0.0 to 4.9: 17
Days with min -5.0 to -0.1: 6
Total rainfall: 38.2 mm ( 64%)
Wettest day: 6.6 mm (10th)
Rain days (0.2 mm or more): 14 (-3)
Wet days (1.0 mm or more): 10 (-2)
Days = 10mm: 0 (-2)
Days = 20mm: 0
Days with snow/sleet falling: 0
Days with 50%+ snow cover at 09z: 0 (-2)
Deepest at 0900z 0 cm (N/A)
Days with thunder heard: 0
Days with hail: 1
Days with fog at 0900z: 0
Highest 10-min mean wind: 30 kn (11th)
Max gust: 44 kn (10th)
Days with gale: 0
Highest wind run: 464.4 nm (10th)
Maximum pressu 1036.7 ( 6th)
Minimum pressu 981.1 (11th)
148m AMSL
Stats for the month so far: