Forecast Gales
Well both could be right. The Met Office only issue severe weather warning
(wind ones) for gusts of 70 mph or more. The beeb are going for gusts
possibly (they use the word may) up to 70 mph its right on the threshold.
"fred" wrote in message ...
The beeb are saying "Thursday 9 October Severe gales are expected to
the north of Scotland later tonight and early Friday. Gusts of wind may
reach up to 55mph through the central lowlands and up to 70mph in exposed
northern parts. Drivers are advised that road conditions may be
The met office are saying "No severe weather is expected in the next 12 to
48 hours."
Who is right, and where are the beeb getting this from if not the met
who deny the existance of any severe weather within the next 48hrs ?
Fred McSporran