"Chris Mantle" wrote in message
I just caught the end of the weather with the sound very low, however did
hear Rob E saying that Tuesday was going to windy and wet just like
I was very surprised having seen all the forecasts on the group over the
past couple of day.
Maybe I am wrong and suffering from lack of rain fever
I saw Rob earlier and as I've not been looking closely over the last week it
had me wondering too.
The culprit appears to be the front on the T+72
(12z finalised chart - note the 'interesting' goings on over northern
copied here
Looking at the raw Global Model data on Sembach
(data time 00z Saturday) the frontal zone is well marked with a fair bit of
cloud and some patchy-ish looking rain. The 18z GFS run is also indicating a
bit of rain,
copied here
All this combined with the strength of the wind could well put a bit of
dampener on things and give quite an autumnal feel as suggested.
Easterlies, must admit I don't like em much, often hard work aviation wise.
However I'll take them in January :-)