OT - Sahara moving north
There is now growing momentum to the theory that climate in the past has
gone through dramatic and abrupt shifts, 10C changes in 10 years, which puts
our 1-2C changes over the last 150 years or so into some sort of
perspective. Maybe we are approaching one of these 'flips' soon, though I
feel that something dramatic has to happen first such as major volcanic
eruptions, to start the change in the first place. I doubt whether 1 to 2
degree increase in temperature over the last few hundred years is enough.
Also, time and time again, evidence is gained that the temperature of this
planet is directly affected by atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations.
During ice ages, carbon dioxide levels were very low, conversely, during
warm periods, carbon dioxide levels were high. What causes these large
changes in CO2 concentrations, in my opinion, is still open to debate.
Wine is fine but whisky's quicker.....