This is still only taken from the METARs so won't represent true max or min
etc. I think the nearest is Crosby but I don't know if the data is
available online
"Brian Wakem" wrote in message
"Keith (Southend)" wrote in message
I had a telephone conversation with someone who was asking whether
there was weather data available for Liverpool Airport. I am aware of
the metars, but is such information as max/min temperature, rainfall
totals etc, available on-line? Liverpool doesn't feature in the
synops, infact that part of the country is pretty sparesly represented
as far as weather data is concerned. Any links, leads or the like
would be extremely useful.
Keith (Southend)
This will wrap, but is what you want I think -
&JAHR=2003&WMO=u3011&CONT=ukuk&LANG=en&ZUGRIFF=___ _&PROVIDER=anwendung
Brian Wakem