No rain today .. or tomorrow ... or ......
On the BBC Breakfast forecast this morning the south-east was going to have
"a miserable day" - overcast with some heavy showers and a biting
north-easterly wind. Here in SW Essex, after the hazy sunshine of this
morning, there was broken cumulus. Some of it looked vaguely threatening
but there was no rain at all. Quite a pleasant mid-autumn day, in fact, and
ideal for working outside.
I've just seen the BBC south-east forecast for the next few days and they're
now watering down (!) any mention of rain. Some showers are possible later
tomorrow but those on Wed/Thurs, are likely to be very patchy and light,
north of the Thames.
I'm now trying to work out just what rain-shadow I'm in here.
- Tom
Blackmore, SW Essex