Mean Max 23.3°C (+4.5°) Abs max 28.2°C (16th), 28/30 days 21°C
Mean Min 12.2°C (+2.0°) Abs min 8.8°C (21st), Grass Min 7.2°C
Monthly Mean 17.8°C (+3.3°)
Rainfall 55.5mm (85%), wettest day 19.6mm (22nd)
Sunshine 234.1hrs (120%), sunniest day 15.72hrs (15th), sunshine
on all days
Thunder on 6days
Warmest June (+3.3°) on record here (since 1979). Previous holders of this
record, June 1982 and June 2000 had only been 1.6° warmer than the long term
average. Nevertheless the absolute maximum of 28.2°C was not exceptional
having been exceeded 7 times in June since 1979.
All the best
George in Epping, West Essex (107m asl)