"Mike Tullett" wrote in message
On Wed, 29 Oct 2003 19:45:01 -0000, JCW in
Yes I have, but had to give myself a crash course in manual settings:-)
I did most of these at f2.8 over 15 seconds, once I had learned how to do
it. Sadly, I missed the searchlight effect that was clear a little
Cheers Mike - thanks for sharing those. The first and second frames look
impressive with the green curtain effect. I can sympathise about the settings. I
have a good Canon digital myself but in the evening or at night all the settings
in the world won't protect from the dreaded shakes! Had to buy a tripod.
All's quiet overhead now. The kids were out earlier and missed the highlight,
forgive the pun. Trying to tell them what they missed just didn't register...if
I told them what they missed on the Simpsons I would have had their undivided
Sad really as this doesn't happen too often and tonight we had a nice clear sky
to view what was visible.
Until next time...