Check and cliick on live lightening data. Should
give you a fair idea of what's going on. Just as I posted the last post
(isn't that a military thing?) the storm seemed to reverse direction a
Not quite as warm as yourselves but 28C on the west coast of Scotland
(Irvine) is still the highest seen since I got the weather station about 3
years ago.
"Paul Evans" wrote in message
"jkm" wrote in message
.. .
Don't speak too soon, it looks as though it's heading your way
Heh, I hope it takes the edge of these temperatures we've had over the
last few
days! It's absolute murder attending job interviews at 2pm with this
I wonder if we'll see some overnight thunderstorms here, because it's been
a few
years since the last one :-(
Paul. (now 33.9C)