Like many of my fellow anoraks (!) on this NG, I have been working on
the October statistics and records this morning.
I must say, it is an exciting time (hence the self-proclamation that I
am a confirmed weather anorak!), and I do enjoy reading the data from
fellow enthusiasts.
Just thought I would share with you some data about 2003 so far because
I think we all realise that it has been pretty exceptional and enjoyable
so far:
Average temperature so far 11.6C (+0.9C)
Rainfall total so far 377.2mm (69%)
Sunshine total so far 1627.0hr (127%)
The most amazing statistic is that the 2003 sunshine total already ranks
this year as 5th sunniest on record with records dating back to 1894, as
shown below.-
1821.8hr 1995
1779.6hr 1990
1746.2hr 1989
1649.3hr 1997
1625.0hr 1984
As for rainfall, the table below shows that the year is also on course
to come close to a rainfall record too, though with November and
December to come, perhaps that is less likely.
439.8mm 1898
440.9mm 1921
492.2mm 1996
500.3mm 1963
506.9mm 1904
Hope you all said "Rabbits, rabbits, rabbits" when you woke up this
Steve Jackson,
Bablake Weather Station,
Coventry, UK