Pinch punch first day of the month!
In article ,
Steve Jackson writes:
The most amazing statistic is that the 2003 sunshine total already
ranks this year as 5th sunniest on record with records dating back to
1894, as shown below.-
1821.8hr 1995
1779.6hr 1990
1746.2hr 1989
1649.3hr 1997
1625.0hr 1984
From 1627 hours at the end of October, you should beat 1997, but with
November and December to come there's no guarantee of breaking into the
top three.
As we've mentioned before here, It's striking how much sunnier the last
two decades have been, possibly more due to the Clean Air Act than to
climate change.
John Hall
"It is a very sad thing that nowadays there is so little useless
Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)