I love this one which someone put on the TWO forum. I have heard the part,
"If November ice can bear a duck" etc. But I haven't heard the rest until
I know one thing. It is certainly true from my experiences.
"A good mild November with cold failing to impose itself bodes very well
indeed for a cold winter . '47 , '81/82 , '40 , '79 , '85 .... exceptionally
mild Novembers preceded 'em all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"If November ice can bear a duck , there'll be nothing after but slush and
...... But if November winde from west doth bring , the winter that follows
shallt be a magical thing "
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Gavin Staples.
website updated regularly
Currently writing book titled: Contemporary Societies East and West. The
introduction of this is on my homepage.
"I can calculate the motions of the heavenly bodies, but not the madness of
the people" ~ Sir Isaac Newton, in (1720), referring to the South Sea
Bubble share crisis in which he lost £20,000 at 1720 prices.
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