Rain in Reading-Maidenhead area
Well I live in Windsor now Phillip. The rain was heavy but not torrential
of the kind I would expect white areas to show. There is a lot of standing
water on the roads though (you have to move lane on some dual
carriageways) - but this is probably due to the prolonged rainfall rather
than any torrential downpour.
It's still going too!
Ian Waddell
"Philip Eden" philipATweatherHYPHENukDOTcom wrote in message
.. .
The radar image, courtesy of Avbrief, showed several white pixels (over
32mm/hr) in the Reading-Maidenhead district at 1245, 1300 and 1315.
Any ground truth for this pocket of heavy rain?
I notice there was a marked discontinuity in the display at about
53.5 degN for several hours suggesting calibration difficulties.
Philip Eden