Final figures for this location:
24hr to 24/0900Z = 27.1mm, bulk of this in period 23/09Z to 23/19Z ..
rain finally gave up somewhere around 20Z Max temperature yesterday just
48hr to 24/0900Z = 57.1mm: highest such 'standard' 48 hr total since end
July/start August last year, but this latter event was due to intense
TS. Probably highest *frontal/dynamic* 48hr total since 28th/30th
Ocotber 2000.
Total rainfall past 4 days = 76.7mm.
Other figures:
Running total rainfall Jan-Nov c.f. mean for that period:
Total to 24/0900Z = (489.3mm)
% anomaly (to end Nov.)= 77%
% anomaly (of year mean)= 69%
(Driest calendar year in BP 1971-2002 record = 487mm/1990)
Martin Rowley: data via:
Bracknell (Wooden Hill/Great Hollands), Berkshire.
NGR: SU 854 667
Lat: 51DEG23MIN30SEC(N); Long: 00DEG46MIN28SEC(W)
Height(amsl): 80 metres (262 feet)